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Precinct X

Author Name: Ashwin Subramaniam | Format: Hardcover | Genre : Poetry | Other Details

Precinct X is a collection of essays penned in poetic-prose form, accompanied by specially curated imagery, reflecting the author’s thoughts and observations on a wide spectrum of socio-contemporary themes currently dominating discourses, globally. This compilation delves into the complexities of human nature and its concomitant impact on civilizational constructs and organising principles of society, where affirmative change appears increasingly elusive, when successive generations perpetuate parochially, the vicious cycle of thoughtless traditions, senseless acts and mindless intents that hurt the progress of liberalism and peace, globally.

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Ashwin Subramaniam

Ashwin Subramaniam is a financial services consultant turned interior designer turned author who felt compelled to pen his thoughts when exposed to the endless surge of atrocities dominating the global landscape, relentlessly. As a humanist wrestling with the grotesque injustices facing the vast majority of mankind, he felt inspired to spread the message of humanism, which appears moribund in the face of self-obsession pursued doggedly. As an internationalist rejecting the creation of barriers between mankind on the basis of colour, creed, and ethnicity, he felt impelled to glorify the virtues of tolerance, cognizant of the fact that innate humanity dismisses divisions, steadfastly. As a pacifist believing in the peaceful coexistence of humanity, despite rising incidences of inhumanity, he continues to pen more such thoughts, indefatigably.



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